Laripur® 6260 is a TPU based on PTMG polyether, boasts exceptional resistance to hydrolysis and microbial attacks. This versatile TPU is primarily intended for applications like injection molding, especially for items such as ski boots and technical products. Its robust properties make it an ideal choice for demanding manufacturing processes.

Polymer Name: Thermoplastic Polyurethane (Polyester based)

Processing Methods: Injection Molding

Technical Data Sheet

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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Applications & Uses

Plastics & Elastomers Processing Methods
Processing Recommendations

Material needs to be dried prior processing at 175-195 °F for 3 hours, preferably using a dehumidifying drier fed by air exhibiting a dew point lower than -22°F.
Suggested molding temperature profile

Zone Temperature
Zone 1 385°F
Zone 2 395°F
Zone 3 405°F
Nozzle 395°F


Being affected by type of machine used, processing conditions and downstream equipment, the temperature profiles as given above has to be considered as just indicative.



Physical Form
Physico-Chemical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Tensile Strength9500psiASTM D412
Vicat Softening Point270°FASTM D1525
Tensile Modulus (at 50%)2400psiASTM D412
Tensile Modulus (at 300%)6300psiASTM D412
Tensile Modulus (at 100%)3100psiASTM D412
Tear Strength156N/mmASTM D624
Specific Gravity1.17g/cm³ASTM D792
Shore Hardness60A ScaleASTM D2240
Flexural Modulus36000psiASTM D1525
Abrasion Loss35mm³DIN 53516
Elongation (at Break)380%ASTM D412

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type
Regional Availability
  • Canada
  • USA
Packaging Information

Laripur® 6260 is supplied in regular pellet form and it is packaged in 25 kg bags or 500 kg and 1000 kg octabins.

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
6 months
Storage and Shelf Life Conditions
  • Laripur® 6260 must be stored in its original and sealed containers and kept in a dry and well ventilated place; avoiding the direct sun radiation.
  • The shelf life of Laripur® 6260 will be 6 months from the date of delivery to the final customer, when stored in its original sealed packaging and in proper conditions.