Citrus Pectin HMC-SS 1

1 of 8 products in this brand
T.B. Fruit Citrus Pectin HMC-SS 1 is high esterificated, slow set pectin extracted from citrus peels and standardized with sucrose. Pectin (E440i) permitted in food according to European Regulation 1333/2008/EC, compliant with the purity criteria set by European Regulation 231/2012/EU. Product is GMO Free. Product is free from allergen.

Ingredient Name: Citrus Pectin

Ingredient Origin: Natural Origin, Plant Origin

Functions: Emulsifier, Stabilizer, Thickener, Viscosity Modifier

Labeling Claims: Allergen-free, GMO-free, Naturally Derived, Plant-Based

Physical Form: Powder

Features: Free of Major Allergens, Neutral Smell, Neutral flavor, Slow Setting

Technical Data Sheet

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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Applications & Uses

Food & Nutrition Applications
Use Level
0.4 - 1.2%
Main Uses

T.B. Fruit Citrus Pectin HMC-RS 1 is widely used as a thickener, emulsifier and stabilizer in the food industry in the production of:

  • marshmallows
  • marmalade
  • cream for cakes
  • jellies
  • jams
  • mousses
  • yogurts and ice cream.
Recommendations for Dissolution
  • To dissolve the product without lumps you need: - pre-mix pectin with other ingredients in powder form and quantitatively transfer the mixture into the liquid with constant vigorous stirring.
  • Continue stirring until completely dissolved - or dissolve the powder in an insoluble medium (butter, sugar syrup with a dry matter content > 65% Brix).
  • Dissolution of the product depends on the environment and the process: it improves with heating (time, temperature) and mixing (stirrer, mixer, homogenizer).
  • Complete dissolution of the product is achieved at a temperature of - 80 - 85  ̊C (176 - 185  ̊F).
  • It is more difficult to dissolve in a medium with a high content of Ca ²⁺ (hard water > 80 ppm Ca 2+ , milk), in which case additional time or complexing salts are required.


Physical Form
Dry disperse powder
Neutral, without off-odor
Physico-Chemical Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Moisture max. 12%
Particle Size (min. 250 µm)max. 1%
Degree of Esterification 58 - 64%
USSAG145 - 155° SAG
pH (1% solution)3.0 - 3.6
Setting Temperature45 - 60 °С
Setting Time15 - 30min.
Residual SolventsAbsent%
Microbiological Values
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Total Plate Countmax. 500cfu/g
Mouldsmax. 100cfu/g
Yeast max. 100cfu/g
SalmonellaAbsentcfu/ 25 g
Heavy Metals
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Arsenic Contentmax. 0.50mg/kg
Lead Contentmax. 1.00mg/kg
Cadmium Contentmax. 0.10mg/kg
Mercury Contentmax. 0.10mg/kg
Cesium-137 Contentmax. 200Bq/kg
Strontium-90 Contentmax. 50Bq/kg
Nitrogen Content max. 1%

Regulatory & Compliance

Packaging & Availability

Packaging Type
Regional Availability
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • USA
Packaging Information

Cardboard box with polyethylene liners, net weight 25 kg Paper hermetically sealed bag, net weight 25 kg

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
24 months
Storage and Shelf Life Conditions
  • Store in a dry and cool place, in a closed package and relative humidity not more than 75%
  • Shelf life 24 months